Managing Roles

Fixed number in roles in fixed groups

  • Let’s create a group with 2 buyers and 2 sellers.
otree startapp role_practice
  • Go to and change players_per_group in Constants model to 4.
class Constants(BaseConstants):
    name_in_url = 'role_practice'
    players_per_group = 4
    num_rounds = 1
  • Go to Player class and define roles:
class Player(BasePlayer):

    def role(self):
        if self.id_in_group <= 2:
            return 'buyer'
        if self.id_in_group > 2:
            return 'seller'
  • Let’s go to and remove the pages MyPage and ResultsWaitPage. Having a single page would be enough for our purposes and we can check the role from oTree admin panel. Our should look like this:
from otree.api import Currency as c, currency_range
from ._builtin import Page, WaitPage
from .models import Constants

class Results(Page):

page_sequence = [Results]
  • And let’s add our app to
    # other configs

So when we create the session with 8 participants from oTree control panel

And when we go to the data we see that roles are set as we want them to be:

We can also shorten the if conditions as the following:

    def role(self):
        return {1: 'buyer', 2: 'seller'}[self.id_in_group]

Balanced number of roles in a variable group size

  • Imagine that we have a variable group size (for instance group size is a treatment variable). And we would like to balance our 3 roles. (say buyer, seller, observer). We have several possibilities to go for.

```gzhredlfsjaa Python Break - Modulus * Modulus operator is used to get the remainder of a division. * Usage:Number % Divisor`

tjyqrjljjvso python 10 % 2 # returns 0 10 % 4 # returns 2 ````

We will use modulus operator % in order to give a balanced number of roles:

    def role(self):
        roles = ['buyer', 'seller', 'observer']
        num_roles = len(roles)
        if self.id_in_group % num_roles == 0:
            return roles[0]
        if self.id_in_group % num_roles == 1:
            return roles[1]
        if self.id_in_group % num_roles == 2:
            return roles[2]

Which can be reduced to:

    def role(self):
        roles = ['buyer', 'seller', 'observer']
        num_roles = len(roles)
        return roles[(self.id_in_group -1) % num_roles]  # added -1 to start from the first element in the list
  • Then for the size 3:

  • And for the size 7:

Fixed roles in each round/app

In order to fix a role, we can store it in our participant.vars.

class Subsession(BaseSubsession):
    def creating_session(self):
        self.group_randomly() # This randomizes the groups
        # Some role assignment below
        for p in self.get_players():
            if self.round_number == 1:
                if p.id_in_group % 2 == 0:
                    p.participant.vars['type'] = 'buyer'
                    p.participant.vars['type'] = 'seller'
            p.type = p.participant.vars['type']

class Player(BasePlayer):
    def role(self):
        return self.participant.vars['type']

    type = models.StringField()

One final note: For the multiple round cases, you can fix id_in_group in a random matching by group_randomly(fixed_id_in_group=True).